Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

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2012 was a great year for us.  While every year has its' ups and downs, this one had some very UP highlights for our family.  Most notably, Miss Emma joined our family.

There are many other things I can highlight, but I just decided to use pictures to tell our story this year instead.  I hope the next year is just as memorable.

As most others, I do make resolutions for the new year.  I read an article this year that talked about how 46% of New Year resolutions are kept and outlined different things that would ensure success with keeping your resolution. 

1)  Be prepared to actually make the change you are resolving to do instead of just making a resolution for the sake of it being the new year and everyone else is doing it.

2)  Make a resolution that is measurable.  For example, saying "I will eat less junk food" is vague while saying "I will only eat one candy bar per week" is something measurable.

3)  Have someone to help hold you accountable.  Most resolutions that fail do so by the 6 week mark.  Having encouragement to keep going is a good way to stick to your changes.

This year, I only have one resolution and it's not so much a resolution as it is a project.  My project is centered around a few things.  First, I have a difficult time following through on things I want to do or plan to do.  I recognize that in myself but have always been unsure how to change it.  Everytime I try to, something else tends to not get followed through on.  Second, I also want to make sure I'm taking time for myself this year.  I tend to get lost in the role of mother and wife all too often and forget that in order to be the best I can in those roles I need to also remember to take care of ME. 

With those things in mind, I have decided to take part in a year-long project called Project 365.  It's very simple in the fact you take one picture each day for an entire year.  I have setup a Flickr photostream specifically to follow my progress through the year.  I'm very excited to not only work on my photography, but have something to show for it at the end of the year!  Look for weekly (Tuesday) posts with my photos from the week and to my photostream each day (located on the side of this blog) to see what I'm doing daily.

Happy New Year!  Here's to a great 2013.  

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