Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Speech Video 10/10/2012

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I mentioned in my last post that speech was finally starting to come for Ayden.  Not in just little blurbs where we hear words and they disappear either.  We are consistently hearing words and sounds now made with purpose.  In addition to that, we are also seeing more and more attempts to communicate with both adults and peers.  And he's trying.   Some days we need to push him, but he is attempting to say words when we request him to do so and is beginning to succeed.  He still has a long road, but we're moving in the right direction.

Each week or two I'm trying to take a video of Ayden speaking.  I want to track his progress not just with him saying words but how he sounds while saying them and how quickly he can do it.  Between speech therapy at school and what we do with him at home - we are all working towards isolating sounds with him that he can make to improve his motor planning and speech.

We are currently at 14 spoken words:

Mama, Dada, Ayden, Bird(s), Bubble, Bus, Ball, Cupcake, Quack, Oink, Eagle, Apple, Car, Fish

Here is our video log from today.  He was a bit distracted, but I did get him to say them pretty decent.  I missed 'ball' and 'car' -  the rest are included.


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